Brook Forest Elementary School News
Dear Butler D53 Families and Staff: It is with much pride and excitement that I anno...
School supplies have already been purchased for the 2022-2023 school year and...
Current and former Brook Forest students and staff can choose to submit memorable words...
Dear Butler D53 Families and Staff, The Board of Education held a special meeting on...
Four Butler School District 53 students were awarded the Oak Brook Education Association Citizenship (OBEA) Award.
The Board approved the 2020-21 school calendar at its meeting on March 16. The first day of student attendance during the next school year will be Aug. 24, 2020 and the last day will be June 4, 2021. Emergency days are scheduled from June 8-14, 2021.
Do you know what Genius Hour is? Would you like to be a fly on the wall during student competitions? Do you wonder how teachers keep up with all that technology? Learn these answers and more by reading the District newsletter, mailed to each homeowner this week.
Registration for students entering kindergarten next fall will be held in January on the following dates. Registration for students new to first grade will also be held at the same time. (Current Butler District 53 kindergarteners do not need to register for first grade at this time.) Parents are asked to register their students for the next school year, 2020-2021, on one of the following dates:
Parent teacher conferences are coming soon! Conferences will be held on November 6th from 4-8pm, November 14th from 4-8pm, and December 5th from 4-8pm (for BJH only). Sign up starts 10/17/19. Click here to sign up!
Even high-performing kids can be acutely stressed and lacking motivation, said two authors who are presenting about the topic at the Hinsdale District 86 and District 181 Community Speaker Series.
Brook Forest Art teacher Mike Divelbiss was named as the 2019 Illinois Elementary Art Educator of the Year by the Illinois Art Education Association (IAEA). The award is the highest given to art educators in the state.
Butler School District 53 is seeking involvement from parents, staff and faculty and students in helping choose the next principal of Butler Junior High.
Butler District 53 students and their families are invited to learn about STEM and participate in STEM activities at Brook Forest School STEM Night. It will be 5:00-7:00 p.m. March 21 at Brook Forest, 60 Regent Dr. Oak Brook. It was originally scheduled for February but canceled and rescheduled because of extreme weather conditions.
Registration for students entering kindergarten next fall will be held in January. Registration for students new to first grade will also be held at the same time. Parents are asked to make an appointment by calling 630-368-4520 or sending an email to
Parents, your input is important to us. Please give us the time to complete the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey by January 18, 2019. Your participation in the parent survey will help us understand the conditions at your child’s school and guide improvement.
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday, November 8th, Wednesday November 14th, and/or Wednesday, December 5th (for BJH only). Sign up starts 10/10/18.
Curriculum Night will be Wednesday, August 22nd, please see the schedule attached.
This school year, District 53 will be utilizing our newly updated PowerSchool Parent Portal to communicate back-to-school information with parents.
Please update your calendars to reflect the following date changes.
Conferences may be scheduled from from 1/19/18 at 10:00 am until 2/02/18 at 11:00 pm.
The Board of Education heard its annual Student Achievement and Performance Report for 2016-17, which showed some remarkable test scores and student growth.
Parents, please take the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey by January 30, 2018. Your participation in the parent survey will help us understand the conditions at your child’s school and guide improvement.
Registration for students entering kindergarten next fall will be held this month on the following dates. Registration for students new to first grade will also be held at the same time. (Current Butler District 53 kindergarteners do not need to register for first grade at this time.)
Butler School District 53 Board of Education Secretary Ahmad Sulaiman served as guest teacher in Brook Forest’s 5th grade classroom on Dec. 19.