Food Services
Marlas Lunch has provided District 53 with the below detailed information regarding this year’s hot lunch program. Please ensure that you follow the outlined directions to create your account through the Marlas Lunch online portal as soon as possible.
Registration: Families and staff interested in participating in Marlas Lunch this year need to create an account at You will need the one-time school passcode of BSD465 to create your account. Detailed instructions from Marlas Lunch can be found here.
Online Ordering: As of today, you can begin placing your orders for the first weeks of school. Orders for the following week must be submitted by every Wednesday at noon (12:00 PM). Please note that orders for each week will lock at that time; additional orders or changes to orders for the following week cannot be submitted after Wednesday at noon.
Restaurant Vendors: Marlas Lunch has constructed an extensive and varied list of restaurant vendors for this school year. A rotating weekly schedule of vendors can be found here.
Questions: Marlas Lunch customer service can be reached at or (224) 269-0068 to answer questions about registration, ordering, food options, and other general services. Requests for technical support for the online ordering platform can be directed to or (800) 381-6511.
District 53 Lunch Coordinators:
Brook Forest Elementary: Beth Kinnikin
Butler Junior High: Leah Carter
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