October 2024 Board of Education Report

October 2024 Board of Education Report

A Board Report of the October 21, 2024 Board of Education meeting

This Board of Education meeting was held in the boardroom at 2801 York Road, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523; the regular meeting place. The public can attend Board of Education meetings in person, access an audio livestream of the meeting on the District’s website, or listen to meeting recordings that are uploaded to the District’s website within the meeting week.

District Updates

New Registrar and SIS Systems Specialist Hired
The Board of Education approved the employment of Daisy Fernandez as the district's Registrar/PowerSchool/SIS Systems Specialist. Fernandez joins District 53 with over 11 years of experience working in a school district, reporting required student data to ISBE, and a plethora of experience with technology systems. Welcome to District 53!

Annual Insurance Benefit Renewal
Based upon the recommendation of the Joint Insurance Advisory Committee consisting of board of education members, teachers, OBEA representatives, administration, district treasure, business coordinator, and the district's benefit consultant, the Board of Education approved the benefit renewal, costs, and membership to the Employee Benefit Cooperative (EBC). Joining the EBC provides the district with flexibility in plan design, risk-sharing, wellness and incentive programs, and additional services.

New Website Draft Unveiled
The Board of Education received a sneak peak of the new district website that is in development. Enhanced features include the integration of video, visually appealing design, quick links for ease of access to high priority locations, and updated calendaring features. The goal of the website is to highlight the many great opportunities within District 53 as well as enhancing communication practices within the district.

Quarterly Mailer Highlighted
Oak Brook residents should be receiving the first of four print publications that highlight key initiatives within District 53. These publications are aimed at increasing transparency and information sharing with all stakeholders of our school district community. The primary topics covered within the first issue are: Capital Improvement Projects, Staff Retention, Instructional Learning Classrooms, and the district's Strategic Plan.

Open House – Community Tours of Our Schools
All Oak Brook residents are invited to attend a Community Building Tours Open House at Brook Forest Elementary School, and Butler Junior High School on November 13, 2024 from 4:30PM to 7:30PM. Come see the positive impact and WOW factors of the three phases of our three phase Capital Improvement Project initiative.

Administrators Available for Parent Teacher Conferences
New this year, three District 53 administrators are available for individual parent-teacher conferences on November 4, 2024. Superintendent, Dr. Paul O'Malley, Director of Student Services, Dr. LaTonya Wilks, and Ms. Melissa Zaniewski, Director of Student Learning and Staff Innovation are available from 12:30-3:30 PM, the same way that parents/guardians schedule a time slot with their teachers. Administrators look forward to meeting with parents and sharing more about district initiatives.

School and Department Updates

Brook Forest Elementary
Principal Andrea Prola updated the Board on recent and upcoming events at Brook Forest Elementary:

  • Heart Healthy Month: This October, we're focusing on stress management with fun activities promoting positive lifestyles! Join us in our “Pennies for Paws” initiative to raise funds for the Hinsdale Humane Society—details coming in our Friday Communication!
  • Marlas Lunch Success: We’re excited to share that Marlas Lunch has been a hit this year! Ms. Kinnikin is ensuring our lunch program delivers quality meals for our families.
  • Creative Projects and Team Building: On October 11th, students will collaborate in their Noleani and Tapeko teams on projects about India, stress management, and team building!
  • Sweet Treats from Kona Ice: Get ready for a refreshing treat! The Student Council is bringing Kona Ice on October 11th for everyone to enjoy!
  • Global Read Aloud Participation: We're thrilled to participate in the Global Read Aloud, focusing on understanding cultures and making connections!
  • Grade 4 Wax Museum: Don’t miss our Grade 4 Wax Museum on October 18th—a fantastic showcase of learning for families!
  • Red Ribbon Week is Coming: Red Ribbon Week is scheduled for the week of October 28th, with activities organized by Officer Yager and the Student Council!
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Sign-up information for Parent-Teacher Conferences will be available on October 11th, with conferences on November 4th. We look forward to connecting with families!

Butler Junior High
Principal John Hamilton updated the Board on recent and upcoming events at Butler Junior High:

  • Cross Country: Butler’s cross country team wrapped up an impressive season at the SDEAA Conference Championship on October 7. Congratulations to Mr. Finke, Mrs. Vonnahme, and all our Viking runners for their hard work and dedication!
  • Basketball & Cheerleading: The girls’ basketball season and cheerleading are now underway. We’re excited to host our first home game on October 24. Good luck to our JV and Varsity teams, led by Mr. Hansen and Ms. Ghawi, and to our cheerleading squad, coached by Ms. Angelillo.
  • Marlas Lunch Program: The new lunch program at BJH is running seamlessly, with daily on-time deliveries and smooth distribution. A big thanks to Ms. Carter and the lunchroom team for ensuring everything goes off without a hitch!
  • Washington, D.C. Trip: Forty 8th graders enjoyed an unforgettable trip to Washington, D.C., from October 10-13. They visited historic sites directly tied to their social studies curriculum. Special thanks to Ms. Carter, Ms. Polovitch, Mrs. Vonnahme, and Mr. Krejci for leading the trip.
  • Sock Hop: Get ready for a fun-filled evening! The PTO-sponsored Fall Sock Hop is on October 18 from 6:30-8:30 PM. Junior high students are invited to enjoy a night of music, dancing, and great food.
  • 8th Grade Outdoor Field Trip: On October 24, 8th graders will head to Fullersburg Woods for an outdoor adventure, featuring nature hikes, geocaching, and team-building activities.
  • 7th Grade Spanish Field Trip: The 7th-grade Spanish classes will visit the National Museum of Mexican Art in Pilsen to experience the Día de Muertos exhibit, with transportation generously covered by the PTO.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Conferences will take place on November 4, with no school on November 5 in observance of Election Day. Details were shared via Parent Square on October 11.

Student Services Department
Director LaTonya Wilks updated the Board on recent and upcoming initiatives within her department:

  • Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) Training: We’ve launched our in-person CPI training this October, reinforcing our online lessons. This program is all about meeting the social-emotional needs of our students and enhancing our de-escalation strategies. We’re empowering our staff to create positive interactions that make a real difference!
  • Welcoming Brook Forest Paraprofessionals: On September 16th, we proudly welcomed our paraprofessionals into the Brook Forest family! Our training focused on key qualities like dependability, positivity, flexibility, and confidentiality. Our team is dedicated to supporting our special education students through instruction, behavior interventions, and more, ensuring every day is filled with growth and collaboration!
  • Supporting Our English Language Learners (ELL): We’ve identified 44 ELL students speaking 14 different languages. Our ELL interventionists are collaborating with districts through the DuPage English Language Learner Network and the Equity and Excellence Network, ensuring we provide the best support possible for our diverse learners.
  • Child Find Preschool Screening: Mark your calendars! On November 1st, we’re hosting a Child Find Preschool Screening from 9:00 to 11:30 AM at the Oak Brook Park District. This event is crucial for our youngest learners, helping us streamline necessary support services and provide early intervention for children ages 3 to 5. Early support leads to greater success, and we can’t wait to help!
  • Celebrating Our Paraprofessionals: On September 27th, we celebrated our incredible paraprofessionals for Teaching Assistant Appreciation Day! This national day of recognition allowed us to express our heartfelt gratitude for the amazing work they do each day. Their positive impact on our students is immeasurable, and we are proud to have such a dedicated team!

Student Learning and Staff Innovation
Director Melissa Zaniewski updated the Board on recent and upcoming initiatives within her department:

  • Mentoring Program: Updates to the mentoring and onboarding process for new teachers were discussed. Positive feedback was received from mentees after the New Teacher Orientation in August.
  • AI-Powered Educational Technology: Teachers explored AI tools like Khanmigo and virtual reality (VR) during School Improvement Days to enhance instructional decisions in real-time.
  • VR/AR Integration: VR and AR experiences are being incorporated into the curriculum, offering immersive learning opportunities.
  • ELA Curriculum Alignment: The District Literacy Team is working to align the English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum with the 2024 State Literacy Plan, with meetings to review best practices and resources.
  • Professional Development: Teachers participated in collaborative workshops on various topics, including social-emotional learning (SEL) and curriculum articulation.
  • Unified Core Competencies: School improvement days have focused on establishing consistent core competencies across all subjects, including SEL. Teachers are also reviewing data to target instructional areas for growth.

PTO Updates

The Butler 53 PTO is busy planning events!

  • Spiritwear: Orders have been delivered; contact Jamie Lock for inquiries.
  • Volunteers: Thanks to parents who signed up for upcoming events!
  • Brook Forest: Successful Book Fair, thanks to volunteers and organizers. After-school clubs (Spanish, Golf, Chess, Paint for Life) are running.
  • Recent Events: Successful PTO meeting, Father-Son Bowling event, and Mother-Son Wonderverse event.
  • Boosters: Sports Boosters is distributing carabiners with ID tags. Music Booster is planning a poinsettia fundraiser in November.
  • Upcoming Events:
    • Trunk or Treat on Oct. 25
    • Halloween Sock Hop on Oct. 25
    • BJH Book Fair on Nov. 14
    • Butler Turkey Bowl on Nov. 17
    • Mother-Daughter event on Nov. 3
    • “Make a Difference” nominations due by Nov. 5.
  • Funded Projects: The PTO has committed funding to offset the costs of new curtains at Butler Junior High and Brook Forest Elementary. The district is grateful for the support and generosity of the parent community.

Upcoming Board of Education Meetings

  • November 7, 2024 at 9:00AM: Infrastructure Committee Meeting
  • November 8, 2024 at 9:00AM: Finance Committee Meeting
  • November 11, 2024 at 4:30PM: Education: Committee of the Whole Meeting
  • November 11, 2024 at 6:30PM: Regular Board of Education Meeting