Departments Overview
Curriculum and Instruction
Butler School District 53 is committed to a culture of excellence through continuous improvement, innovation and professional development. Students are immersed in a world-class curricular program that is rich, varied and challenging. Our curriculum is aligned to the rigorous Illinois Learning Standards, which are college and career-readiness standards where critical thinking and creative thought are emphasized.
Our instructional strategy is to challenge and engage students so that each student can achieve their highest academic success. Differentiated instruction and activities are used to extend and enrich student understanding. Social emotional growth is also paramount to help students learn about themselves and how they fit into the world.
Curriculum and Instruction works with the Technology Department to employ state-of-the art technology that enriches the learning environment and provides students with 21st century skills through a variety of innovative tools.
The principals serve as the curricular and instructional leaders in their schools, led by the superintendent. Teachers are key to curricular and instructional improvements and initiatives. They serve on committees to exhaustively analyze, review and recommend new curriculum. The Professional Learning Community model allows teachers to meet instructional goals through thoughtful collaboration. Teachers and administrators collaborate frequently, using assessments to monitor student growth and to reflect on the effectiveness of new instructional approaches.
The Butler difference is a well-rounded, progressive education that develops not only a child’s mind, but also a child’s heart.
Buildings and Grounds
The Buildings and Grounds Department is responsible for the overall physical condition of the buildings and works with administrators, principals, custodians and outside architects to determine and prioritize major renovation and replacement needs. The Buildings and Grounds Department also oversees the upkeep of the grounds and playgrounds, energy management, security systems and air quality issues. It works closely with principals and District administrators to determine needs and priorities for each building.
Business Services
The Business Services Department is committed to fiscal responsibility and the integrity and transparency of financial management and reporting. The Department manages the district’s finances and operations including accounting, long term financial planning, purchasing, payroll, risk management, insurance, pupil transportation, food services and buildings and grounds.
The District is dedicated to establishing, maintaining and improving educational programs within the funds provided by taxes and other sources. Additionally, the District is committed to the long-term financial health through comprehensive, multi-year planning. This multifaceted approach includes creating efficiencies and controlling expenditures.
The goal of the Technology Department is to provide technology tools, support and innovation for both students and teachers in the classroom. The Department supports the mission, vision and Instructional Blueprint of Butler School District 53 by integrating technology to enrich classroom learning. The school district has implemented a number of technology initiatives that expose students to 21st century skills and understanding. Among these are the 1:1 program, in which students in 3rd-8th grade use a laptop for daily learning, and students K-3 have access to iPads for learning. The department also leads the Digital Citizenship learning at each grade level.
In addition, the Technology Department is responsible for a broad array of technology services in the District including the student management system, Google classroom, parent communication tools, network services, email and website.
Additionally, the technology department is responsible for technology-related professional development for teachers and staff to ensure that all have the necessary training and support.