About the Board


The Board of Education of Butler School District 53 is composed of seven members elected by its constituents. The board’s powers and duties include the authority to adopt, enforce, and monitor all policies for the management and governance of the district's two schools as well as to hire the superintendent.

Board Meetings

Board of Education regular business meetings are generally held on the second Monday of the month unless a holiday. In-Person meetings are held at the District Administrative Center, 2801 York Road, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523, and begin at 6:30pm.

Members of the community are invited and encouraged to attend public meetings of the Board of Education. Your presence and involvement gives board members the advantage of community interest and feedback.

Board open sessions are recorded and uploaded on the district’s webpage as soon as possible after the meeting.

Communicating with the Board

The Board of Education welcomes communications from staff members, parents, students, and community members. A specific time is reserved at each meeting for public comments from members of the audience.

Although citizens should be aware that the board will not engage in a question-and-answer exchange, individuals may address the board at its meetings at the appropriate time on the agenda. For further information, or if you have a detailed question, please contact the board's recording secretary at 630-573-2887. During the period reserved for comments, the board will not hear statements involving cases under litigation, issues that have been scheduled for a public hearing, or complaints regarding individual employees or students.

Individuals may submit questions or communications to the Board of Education by emailing boardofed@butler53.com. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act and the Oath of Office taken by board members, individual board members will not reply to an email on behalf of the entire board, nor engage in the discussion of district business with a majority of a board quorum.