November 2024 Board of Education Report

November 2024 Board of Education Report

A Board Report of the November 11, 2024 Board of Education meeting

This Board of Education meeting was held in the boardroom at 2801 York Road, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523; the regular meeting place. The public can attend Board of Education meetings in person, access an audio livestream of the meeting on the District’s website, or listen to meeting recordings that are uploaded to the District’s website within the meeting week.

District Updates

Tax Levy
The Finance Committee discussed and the Board of Education reviewed the estimated tax levy for 2024, in accordance with the Truth in Taxation Law. The total estimated levy for 2024 is $13,070,966. This covers educational, operational, and transportation funds. This amount does not exceed 105% of the taxes extended in 2023, meaning no public notice or hearing is required. The levy will fund the district’s educational and operational needs, ensuring quality services for students and staff. 

Superintendent Contract Extended
Superintendent Dr. Paul O’Malley’s contract extension for the 2027-2028 school year was just approved by the Board of Education. Since Dr. O’Malley joined District 53, the district has achieved significant milestones, including earning two National Blue Ribbons with academic performance continuing to excel. Under his leadership, the district successfully completed a three-phase capital improvement project under budget, and employee retention has increased, contributing to continuity of instruction and establishing Butler 53 as a destination district.

Capital Improvements
The Infrastructure Committee discussed and the Board of Education approved the annual audit of donated district furniture and fixtures, highlighting compliance with insurance requirements and regional audits. The committee also reviewed the progress of capital improvement projects, noting that the $20M budget was maintained and under budget, with buildings now ADA compliant and improved HVAC and safety systems. The committee examined a Capital Needs Assessment Survey that outlined potential future renovations based on need, and upgrades for both schools, including an ADA accessible playground at Brook Forest Elementary.

School and Department Updates

Brook Forest Elementary

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Held on November 4th. Families are encouraged to reschedule if they missed. 
  • Picture Retakes: Were scheduled for November 8th at 8:45AM. 
  • Anti-Bullying Assembly: Held on November 12th addressing bullying awareness. The students will learn about teamwork, collaborative relationships, and saying no to unkind behavior from a Martial Arts Instructor.
  • CogAt Testing: All 2nd and 4th graders will participate in the Cognitive Abilities Test scheduled for November 18-20th. 
  • Pennies for Paws: The entire school is doing this fundraiser to support animals in need at the Hinsdale Humane Society. A celebratory assembly is being held on December 2nd. 
  • Winter Greeting Card Contest: Students are participating in this contest with DoubleTree and MArriott hotels in Oakbrook. They will create cards at school. An assembly will be held in December to celebrate the two winning designs, which will be featured in the hotels’ winter greeting cards. 

Butler Junior High

  • Sports Update: Girls basketball and cheerleading seasons are off to a great start.
  • Fenwick Math Team Competition: Butler’s math team competed in their first competition of the year at Fenwick Middle School on Monday, November 4th. Our mathletes had a great performance!
  • Quarter 1 Pep Assembly: The assembly was held on November 8th, recognizing student achievements and featuring fun competitions.
  • Fall Play: The Theater will perform The Audition on Friday, November 15th at 7PM. A matinee performance for all students and staff will take place Thursday, November 14th. 
  • 6th Grade CogAt Testing: All 6th grade students will participate in the Cognitive Abilities Test on Wednesday, November 20th. 
  • 6th Grade Field Trip: All 6th grade students will travel to the Museum of Science and Industry on Friday, November 22nd for the annual field trip led by the BJH Science Department. 
  • Feed My Starving Children: All BJH students and staff will travel to Feed My Starving Children to help pack meals on Tuesday, November 26th. 
  • Thanksgiving Week: School will not be in attendance Wednesday, November 27th- Friday November 29th in recognition of Thanksgiving.  

Student Services Department

  • Social workers and psychologists participated in BASC Social Wellness Skills System (BASC SWSS) training to support student’s social-emotional development. Data from this screener helps plan wellness interventions. Case managers also updated the Special Education Workload Plan to better support staff with documentation tasks, as required by Illinois regulations. 
  • Paraprofessionals were trained by the school nurse on responding to medical emergencies, including asthma, allergies, seizures and diabetes. They practiced using EpiPens and using AEDs. 
  • National School Psychology Week is being held November 11th-15th and celebrates the theme “Together We Shine.” 
  • Preschool screening was held on November 1st to identify those needing special education services and early intervention. 
  • English Language Interventionists at Brook Forest support K-4 students in small groups and in the classroom using the Imagine Language and Literacy platform. They are also providing professional development to staff to enhance support for multilingual learners. 

Student Learning and Staff Innovation

  • Mentoring Program: Mentee celebrations will be held in November to recognize new staff. Mentor surveys will be reviewed in December, with feedback used to make program improvements. Technology onboard support has been identified as a key area for enhancement. 
  • Educational Technology: The district is exploring AI, AR, and VR in classrooms. Staff discussions are ongoing to understand how these technologies are being implemented in teaching, with opportunities for further professional development. 
  • Curriculum Updates: The District Literacy Team continues aligning English Language Arts with the 2024 Literacy Plan. They are reviewing core resources, identifying strengths, and areas for improvement. The Social Studies curriculum is also underway, with new resources being integrated. 
  • Professional Development: The district is expanding professional development opportunities, with specific training for K-5 teachers on the new Social Studies curriculum and ongoing cross-building collaboration. 
  • Core Competencies: Teachers across various subjects, including SEL, are updating curriculum documents to align with new standards and resources, ensuring consistency across grade levels. 

PTO Updates

  • Trunk or Treat: Thanks to 25 participants for making it a success! Congrats to the Forler Family for their winning Addams Family trunk.
  • Teacher Fund: Approved funding for a 3rd grade science day at Fullersburg and supplies for the science department’s animals. 
  • December Assembly: PTO will sponsor a quintet performance.
  • Improv Club: Starts November 18th, focusing on public speaking and building confidence. 
  • Fall Halloween Party: Students enjoyed a fun evening with food and music. 
  • Mother-Daughter Event: Great turnout for lunch and dancing. Special thanks to the organizers! 
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Teachers were provided Panera for their busy conference day.
  • Make a Difference Award: Congratulations to BFE teachers Struhar, Tomita, and Whittaker! BJH teachers Vargocko, Krupicka, Krejci, and Weber! And First Student Transportation driver Christine!
  • Boosters: Poinsettia Fundraiser supports band and choir. Order by Nov 21st and pick-up Dec 11th. 

Upcoming Board of Education Meetings

December 9, 2024 at 6:30PM: Regular Board of Education Meeting