Social Emotional Newsletter No. 4 - Movement and Brain Breaks

Social Emotional Newsletter No. 4 - Movement and Brain Breaks

Research shows that movement provides physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral benefits to our
bodies. Movement helps us to reset and recharge when our bodies have been sitting and focusing for too long.
It not only helps children get the “wiggles out” but energizes them and increases their ability to focus for the
next activity. A quick movement or brain break provides our brains with increased blood flow that is needed to
learn and retain information. Brain breaks should occur frequently throughout learning, especially since our
new platform of learning requires longer periods of sitting and screen time.



  • Go Noodle
  • Mindfulness Apps - Headspace, Calm, Ninja Focus (fun platform for kids to learn mindfulness,
    meditation, yoga), ‘Stop, Think and Breathe Kids’
  • Brain Break Jar - Family members can each write a few exercises on a piece of paper or popsicle
    sticks. Place all ideas in a jar. When it is time for a break, a child or adult can pick an idea from the jar to complete. 
  • Walking, Jogging - A natural break can occur by going up/downstairs to get something, walking a pet, or taking a walk/jog on the driveway or around the block 
  • Countdown Workout - Student does a “countdown” of 10 exercises. Choose 1 activity to perform 10 times, another activity to perform 9, and so on. For example, 10 jumping jacks, 9 high knees, 8 toe touches, 7 sit-ups, 6 skips, 5 forward arm circles, 4 backward arm circles, 3 lunges, 2-second wall sit, 1 star jump

Junior High: