Social Emotional Newsletter No. 1 - Establishing Healthy Routines

Social Emotional Newsletter No. 1 - Establishing Healthy Routines

One of the most helpful things you can do to support your child at home during this uncertain time is to Establish Healthy Routines.  While so much in our lives is unpredictable at this time, we can try to make some things predictable for our children.  Setting up a daily schedule that outlines predictable routines can help to reduce stress and conflict at home. When children know what to expect, they are more available to learn, problem-solve, create and connect.  If you haven’t done so already, you might consider taking some time as a family to develop a daily schedule. Including your child when you develop the schedule will help him or her feel a sense of ownership in following the plan.  Younger students will need more support to develop and follow the schedule than older students. 
There are many ways to create a schedule.  Some families might choose to create a schedule with structured time blocks listed, while others may choose to list a simple order of events (first, next, then).  The idea is to give your family a predictable pattern, but not to impose more stress with rigid timelines. It might take some trial and error to find out what type of schedule works best for your family.  Plan it, draw it or write it, and post it so that it is visible to everyone.  Start each day with a quick review of the schedule and refer to it throughout the day.  Include learning sessions in the schedule as well as plenty of breaks, including outside time, exercise or movement, play or leisure activities, and time to connect with others. If possible, set up a quiet location for learning sessions where your child will work that is the same each day.  It might also be helpful to note on the schedule who is available to help if your child has questions about schoolwork and who might not be available during certain times of the day due to work commitments (See the Stop and Go signs below).  
We have put together some resources to help with making a predictable schedule. Please see the links below, which include sample schedules and templates. If your child is feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to your child’s teacher, principal or student support providers.  We are here to help in any way we can.

Preschool Katey Groya, Psychologist
Brook Forest Katie Guerrero, Social Worker
Ashley Trang, Psychologist
Butler Jr. High Kim Bayer, Social Worker
Diane Janka, Psychologist