IPM Notification Letter for Staff and/or Parents/Guardians of Students

IPM Notification Letter for Staff and/or Parents/Guardians of Students

March 12, 2020 

IPM Notification Letter for Staff and/or Parents/Guardians of Students 

Dear Parent or Guardian, 

We would like to inform you that an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for controlling insects, rodents, and weeds will be used at Brook Forest Elementary School and Butler Junior High School. We have contracted Orkin, a reputable national provider of IPM services to schools, to provide this service at our schools. Weather permitting work is scheduled to proceed at both schools on March 16, 2020. 

The IPM approach we will be using focuses on making the school buildings and grounds an unfavorable place for pests to live and breed. Through maintenance and cleaning, we will reduce or eliminate available food and water sources, and hiding places for the pests. We will also routinely monitor the school area to detect pest problems and prevent pests from becoming established. Some IPM techniques we will employ include monitoring, increased sanitation, sealing entry points, physically removing the pest, and modifying storage practices. 

From time to time, it may be necessary to use chemicals to control a pest problem. Chemicals will only be used when necessary, and will not be routinely applied. When chemicals must be used, the school will try to use the least toxic products when possible. Access to treated areas will be secured against unauthorized access for the period specified on the pesticide label. Notices will be posted at application sites and will remain there until the posted safe re-entry time is met. For your information, we have a list of pesticides and material safety data sheets (MSDS) that may be used in the school this school year. This list may be obtained by contacting the school’s IPM coordinator, Bob Jakupi, at 630/573-2887. 

Parent(s)/guardian(s) that have requested to be on the notification registry will be notified by the IPM Coordinator at least 72 hours before a pesticide is applied. If a chemical application must be made to control an emergency pest problem, notice will be provided as soon as possible after the application. Exemptions to this notification include cleaners (disinfectants), pesticides formulated as baits or gels, and any EPA-exempt pesticide. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school’s IPM Coordinator at the phone number above. 


Bob Jakupi

Building & Grounds Director Butler School District 53