Student council heads up new service project

Student council heads up new service project
Brook Forest families made dozens of extra lunches for the needy as part of Student Council’s newest fundraiser. Called “Lunch Plus One,” the Student Council asked families to pack a second lunch in addition to the one they make for their child. As the students walked to lunch, they placed the extra lunches in the boxes, filling four large plastic bins. The Student Council partners with the PTO, which delivered the lunches to the Elmhurst-Yorkfield Food Pantry in the afternoon. The service project will be held once a month. “Our Brook Forest students, families and staff continue to outdo themselves with their generosity and concern for others,” said Lisa Owen, assistant principal, teacher and sponsor of Student Council. “Packing an extra lunch is a fairly easy task, but it can make a huge difference to someone who is hungry,” she said. In all, the school donated 54 sacks of healthy food items. Elmhurst-Yorkfield Pantry serves seven area communities including Oak Brook and senior citizens from Mayslake Independent Living. Kathie Watts from the Patnry said that the organization sees at least 400 households each month, averaging 600 school-aged children. “Thanks so much to everyone at Brook Forest School for thinking of and partnering with Elmhurst Yorkfield Food Pantry (EYFP),” she said. Student Council representatives were thrilled with the new service project. Other projects this year include a mitten and toy drive and packing meals at Feed My Starving Children for impoverished families abroad.